JFC Conventional Drink Bowl 16L GREEN

JFC Conventional Drink Bowl 16L GREEN

JFC Conventional Drink Bowl 16L GREEN

JFC Conventional Drink Bowl 16L GREEN

your price £78.00

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JFC Conventional Drink Bowl 16 Litre ( 3.5 Gallon)

Large reservoir capacity bowl.
Fitted with 1/2" brass valve to maintain water at a constant level.
Supplied with 2 stainless steel mounting brackets.
Manufactured from frost resistant polyethylene.
Built in drain-off plug (25mm).
Optional left or right valve fitting


Ensure fresh water is always available for your livestock.
Extremely impact resistant and capable of withstanding aggressive use.
Suitable for internal and external use.
Fully adjustable & accessible valves that comply with water safety regulations.

Compliance with UK water by-laws regulations require the drink bowl to be connected with a supply from a breaker or header tank


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