High Fibre HorseHage is made from selected ryegrasses which have been allowed to mature to attain high fibre and low protein and energy levels.


High Fibre HorseHage is made from selected ryegrasses which have been allowed to mature to attain high fibre and low protein and energy levels.

your price £8.70

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HorseHage is semi-wilted grass sealed in the bag but without the dust and spores found in hay. HorseHage is made from only the best quality grasses. It is cut just like hay but, instead of being allowed to dry completely, it is baled when the grass has wilted and the dry matter content has reached around 55%. This takes about 24 hours in good drying weather. The bales are then compressed to half their original size, packed and heat-sealed into double skinned plastic bags. No artificial preservatives are added, just natural fermentation inside the bag preserves the grass as HorseHage. High Fibre HorseHage is made from selected ryegrasses which have been allowed to mature to attain high fibre and low protein and energy levels before harvesting. It is suitable for horses and ponies in light work or those that are resting. It also provides an excellent fibre source for competition horses being fed high levels of concentrate feed. Horses Love To Eat HorseHage HorseHage is fed in a special net similar to that of a hay net but with a special fine mesh which helps to keep wastage on to the floor to a minimum. One bag of HorseHage can provide the forage requirements of a 500 kg horse for three days and once the bag is opened it will remain fresh for five to seven days. As a broad guide HorseHage should be fed in the same quantity as hay, and because HorseHage supplies not only fibre but probably more protein, energy, vitamins and minerals than hay, quantities of hard feed can be reduced. HorseHage can also be reduced when the horse is out at grass in proportion to the time spent out grazing Feed HorseHage Because it... ... is of guaranteed quality ... is dust free ... helps maintain a healthy respiratory system in horses and ponies ... provides 90% of the feed value of fresh grass ... provides long digestible fibre, protein, energy, vitamins and minerals, particularly useful for horses that cannot tolerate a high cereal diet ... is highly palatable, so there is no wastage ... has an attractive smell that appeals to fussy feeders ... is cost effective, as hard feed quantities can be reduced. ... can be bought as required, rather than in bulk at the start of the season, easing cash-flow through the expensive winter months ... is ideal for one-horse owners ... is convenient and clean to handle ... can be stored outside without cover as the double-skinned plastic bags are water tight and resistant to ultra violet light ... keeps for 18 months unopened without loss of feeding value ... is recommended by vets and nutritionists ... provides a cleaner environment for humans.

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