Arguably the most advanced feed balancer available today. Complements the feeding of forages, chaffs, oils and hard feeds for all horses and ponies, regardless of age, size or workload.


Arguably the most advanced feed balancer available today. Complements the feeding of forages, chaffs, oils and hard feeds for all horses and ponies, regardless of age, size or workload.

your price £25.99

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Equilibra™ Feed Balancer

The product that started a feeding revolution and still the most advanced feed balancer available today

A high specification complementary feed designed to balance the natural high fibre diet of all horses and ponies and lay the foundation for healthy performance, vitality and condition (previously Equilibra 500).

Equilibra 500 Feed Balancer for Horses 20kg Bag

What Are the Benefits of Feeding Equilibra Feed Balancer? 

Helps establish and maintain a healthy digestive system.
Enables all horses and ponies to thrive on a more natural forage/fibre based diet.
Help save money by reducing the requirement for expensive hard feeds and supplements.
Provides a unique combination of 10 active nutraceuticals, including high levels of Omega 3 to support optimum health and performance.
Provides an optimum daily vitamin and mineral content.
Contains the Oatinol® Delivery System™ to maintain a high rate of nutrient absorption.
Wheat gluten free.
A 100% Non GM, soya free formulation.
Manufactured to Universal Feed Assurance Scheme (UFAS) standards as palatable, easy-to-feed 2mm pellets


The Six Active Nutraceuticals of the Equilibra Feed Balancer

Actisaf Sc47 is an EU approved live yeast culture that helps stabilise conditions in the hindgut and maintain high levels of microbial fermentation activity to improve overall fibre digestion.

Concentrated Yeast Derived Oligosaccharides

Oligosaccharides provide a feed source for beneficial bacteria and support the natural expulsion of antagonists found in feed and the environment.

Hemp Oil Derived Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Hemp Oil is a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids found in the plant world. This unique combination enables the animal to produce other essential Omega 3 fats called EPA & DHA, both of which are normally only found in fish oils and are crucial for maintaining the natural anti-inflammatory action of the body.

Microscopic Toxin Binder

A blend of microscopic absorbent compounds that aid the natural expulsion of antagonists found in feed and the environment.

Oat Bran Concentrated Soluble Fibres

Soluble fibres contain betaglucans that support natural self-defence mechanisms in the bloodstream.


Prebiotics provide specific nourishment for friendly, fibre digesting bacteria to maintain good digestion and release of nutrients for growth, breeding and performance

The Four Active Nutraceuticals in the Oatinol delivery system

Nutraceuticals are products derived from food sources with extra health benefits in addition to their basic nutritional value.

Oatinol is a natural high quality oil based concept developed by and unique to GWF Nutrition. When incorporated into the feed it supplies the following four active nutraceuticals to:

Maintain gut cell integrity.
Maintain the lining of the gut.
Support the immune system.
Aid the absorption of active ingredients, vitamins and trace elements.

Galactolipid Natural Emulsifiers

?Galactolipids are a combination of sugar and fat molecules that create the perfect medium for the absorption of active ingredients across the gut wall.

Natural Tocotrienol Antioxidants

?Tocotrienol antioxidants are a natural form of vitamin E. They are 40-60 times more readily available than other forms of vitamin E and help to maintain the integrity of the cells forming the lining of the gut to aid absorption.

Oat Derived Beta Glucans

?Beta Glucans have prebiotic properties that support beneficial bacteria in the gut to promote healthy absorption.


?Phospholipids have emulsifying properties and have been shown to actively influence nutrient digestibility and absorption

Daily Feeding Recommendation

Introduce the recommended daily quantity of Equilibra over a period of 4 days.
Split the total daily quantity by the number of daily feeds.
Simply mix with your horse or pony's normal feed.
Depending on the workload, please ensure the horse or pony receives adequate levels of forages and energy dense hard feeds.
?1 measure = 250gm (a measure is available on request).



  • Active Ingredient Why We Use It
    Hemp Oil Derived Omega 3 Fatty Acids Hemp oil is probably the best source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids found in the plant world. This unique combination enables the horse to produce other essential Omega 3 fats called EPA & DHA, both of which are normally only found in fish oils, but are crucial for the health, fertility, condition and performance of the animal.
    Actisaf Sc47 Actisaf Sc47 is an EU approved live yeast culture that helps stabilise conditions in the hindgut and maintain high levels of microbial fermentation activity to improve overall fibre digestion.
    Concentrated Yeast Derived Oligosaccharides Oligosaccharides provide a feed source for beneficial bacteria and support the natural expulsion of antagonists found in feed and the environment.
    Oat Bran Concentrated Soluble Fibres Soluble Fibres are non-digestible sugars that can support natural self defence mechanisms in the bloodstream.
    Bio Available Nutrients Contains selenium, copper, manganese and zinc, plus marine sourced natural trace elements.
    MT.X+ Microscopic Binder MT.X+ is a blend of microscopic absorbent compounds that aid the natural expulsion of antagonists found in feed and the environment.

    Contains the Oatinol® Delivery System

    For all of the above active ingredients to be utilised, they have to be absorbed from the horses’ digestive tract. Oatinol supplies natural antioxidants, polar lipids, beta glucans and galactolipid emulsifiers, required to maintain gut cell integrity, maintain the lining of the gut, support the immune system and aid the absorption of active ingredients, vitamins and trace elements.

    Active Ingredient Why We Use It
    Oatinol - Galactolipid Natural Emulsifiers Galactolipids are a combination of sugar and fat molecules that help establish the perfect medium for enzyme activity in the gut to absorb feed components.
    Oatinol - Natural
    Tocotrienol Antioxidants Tocotrienol antioxidants are found naturally in oat bran. This tocotrienol form of vitamin E is 40 to 60 times more readily recycled in membrane systems and supports tissue integrity.
    Oatinol - Oat Derived
    Beta Glucans Beta glucans provide nourishment for beneficial fibre degrading microbes and helps maintain a high level of natural immunity.
    Oatinol - Polar Lipids Polar lipids are found in high concentrations in cell membranes and are essential for tissue integrity and the controlled passage of materials into and out of cells.


    The perfect non soak conditioning feed for sustaining all horses and ponies in maintenance or light work.

    Fibregest is a “super soluble fibre feed”, derived from a blend of micronized (sugar) beet pulp, hemp seed and lean black oats; fortified with seaweed meal, chelated minerals and Oatinol®.

    Key Benefits:
    • Manufactured as a very palatable 3mm pellet.
    • Maintains the slow rate of passage of feed through the foregut.
    • Aids the digestion of oils, starch, proteins, calcium and phosphorus as well as vitamins: A, D, E and K.
    • Provides the perfect substrate of ground digestible fibres for maintaining high levels of hindgut microbial fermentative digestion.
    • Supplies the end products of microbial digestion that provide conditioning and energy reserves for light work.
    • Particularly good for older horses and ponies with poor teeth.
    • Contains the Oatinol Delivery System to maintain a healthy digestive tract and a high rate of absorption of essential nutricines, vitamins and trace elements.

    In the foregut of horses and ponies, the normal passage of feed from the mouth to hindgut takes 2 hours.

    Fibregest pellets provide a palatable source of digestible “super fibres” (soluble fibres) that gel with water in the gut to create a texture which maintains a slow transit time of the feed and a slow release of energy into the blood. In the small intestine, a steadier release of energy stops hyper-activity.

    In the hindgut, the normal passage of feed from the caecum to anus takes 2/3 days. Digestion in the hindgut is a slow, fermentative process carried out by friendly bacteria. As feed is present in the hindgut for several days, it is vitally important to maintain a healthy environment to prevent digestive upsets. Fibregest acts as the perfect food source for these beneficial bacteria, encouraging their natural activity and growth.

    In combination with a high quality feed balancer, such as Equilibra® 500 + Omega 3, the support from Fibregest will provide a sustained high level of fibre digestion for the benefit of your horse or pony.

    Contains the Oatinol® Delivery System

    For all the nutritional elements of Fibregest to be utilised, they have to be absorbed from the horses’ digestive tract. Oatinol supplies the following active ingredients to maintain gut cell integrity, maintain the lining of the gut, support the immune system and aid the absorption of active ingredients, vitamins and trace elements.

    Active Ingredient Why We Use It
    Oatinol - Galactolipid Natural Emulsifiers Galactolipids are a combination of sugar and fat molecules that help establish the perfect medium for enzyme activity in the gut to absorb feed components.
    Oatinol - Natural
    Tocotrienol Antioxidants Tocotrienol antioxidants are found naturally in oat bran. This tocotrienol form of vitamin E is 40 to 60 times more readily recycled in membrane systems and supports tissue integrity.
    Oatinol - Oat Derived
    Beta Glucans Beta glucans provide nourishment for beneficial fibre degrading microbes and helps maintain a high level of natural immunity.
    Oatinol - Polar Lipids Polar lipids are found in high concentrations in cell membranes and are essential for tissue integrity and the controlled passage of materials into and out of cells.

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