Bucktons Fruity Parrot Food + Spirulina 1.5kg

Bucktons Fruity Parrot Food + Spirulina 1.5kgs

Bucktons Fruity Parrot Food + Spirulina 1.5kg

Bucktons Fruity Parrot Food + Spirulina 1.5kgs

your price £6.49

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This premium parrot mix includes a wide variety of ingredients for added interest and stimulation and is enriched with our Bucktons Spirulina pellets.

Spirulina is the original superfood and if nature were to make a multivitamin, Spirulina would be it! Our Bucktons Spirulina Vitamin Pellets have been carefully developed to enhance plumage, as well as support healthy immune and digestive functions, benefiting your birds overall health. The pellets are enriched with calcium and a variety of vitamins and minerals to help keep your bird happy and healthy.

Enriched with Spirulina Vitamin pellet
Includes a variety of ingredients for added interest
Provides a variety of shapes and textures for stimulation and enrichment

Re-sealable pack

Red Maize, Spirulina Pellet, Red Dari, Flaked Peas, Flaked Maize, Popcorn Maize, Oats, White Sunflower Seeds, Black Sunflower Seeds, Redskin Peanuts, Naked Oats, Buckwheat, White Pumpkin Seeds, Chillies, Extruded Wheat, Sultanas, Coloured Extruded Wheat, Banana Chips, Pineapple, Papaya and Pine Nuts.

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